Standards Compliance
History Workshop Online (“HWO”) is committed to providing an accessible web presence that gives members of the public full access to information and activities offered publicly through the website. All pages should validate as XHTML 1.0 Strict. The templates use Cascading Style Sheets. These pages meet the checkpoints of the Web Accessibility Initiative’s Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 1.0 to Level-AA standards, and most pages on this website conform to the AAA standard. Users should note that, although this site supports basic rendering for legacy browsers, accessibility features are optimised for users of Internet Explorer versions higher than 6, Netscape versions higher than 4, and other browsers complying to the standards.
Information in Alternative Formats
To request a web page in an alternative format please email the web administrator.
A description of every image is provided, either in the alt tag or on the page itself.
We try to ensure that link text makes sense out of context and that it accurately describes the pages it points to.
PDF files
Some of the information on our website is in Portable Document Format (PDF). You will need Adobe Acrobat Reader to read PDF files. Adobe Acrobat Reader can be downloaded free of charge from the Adobe website. Later versions of this software provide a number of features that improve access for users. While we make every effort to use all Adobe Acrobat’s accessibility features for new PDF documents we make available on our website, some of these and older PDF documents may not all be equally accessible. This may be due to the complexity of the content or due to being produced when accessibility technology in PDF was still evolving. In such cases, we offer alternative formats for PDF content in Word, Rich Text Format or plain text. To request PDF content in an alternative format please email the web administrator. Provision will normally be within 30 working days of acknowledgement.
Webcasts (audios and videos)
At this time we are unable to offer a simultaneous captioning service alongside a webcast. We are, however, able to offer transcripts of any recordings we make available on our website. To request a transcript please email the web administrator. Provision will normally be within 30 working days of acknowledgement.
Further Enquiries and Help
If you use assistive technology and the format of any material on our websites interferes with your ability to access the information, please email the web administrator.